Bangladesh Vacancy Announcement – Partner Security Liaison Adviser, GS-13 (SOL-388-16-000025)

Bangladesh Vacancy Announcement – Partner Security Liaison Adviser, GS-13 (SOL-388-16-000025)

Applicable for US Citizens Only

The PSL provides support to the Regional Security Office and USAID to facilitate field visits for USAID staff.  Among other functions, the PSL researches and compiles information regarding security threats in the field where USAID operates in order to assist the Regional Security Office assess the threats to proposed field visits. The PSL assists Implementing Partners and USAID/Bangladesh by conducting route, site and facility surveys and planning movements and activities associated with field visits.  The PSL assists USAID/Bangladesh in preparing and submitting movement requests to the RSO for field trips and other activities. The PSL collects incident reports and threat data from Implementing Partners and other sources and maintains the data, including in the form of GIS products, to be used for planning and risk assessment. The PSL manages the issuance and use of Personal Tracker and Locator (PTL) satellite beacons and other security and emergency equipment for field visits. The PSL participates in embassy-wide movement planning meetings as needed. The PSL may also be used within the embassy to assist the Regional Security Office with security awareness and training for embassy staff, including participation in the conduct of training and drills. 

The PSL advises USAID Implementing Partners on security best practices and prepares security briefings, particularly newcomer briefings regarding the security environment in Bangladesh.  The PSL may advise Implementing Partners on security protocols and procedures, however this advice should not be considered prescriptive and is only an additional source of information that they may utilize in decision making.

The PSL may assist USAID Implementing Partners by coordinating with the Bangladesh police for routine protection and assistance matters, but is not used for emergency notification or response and does not participate in criminal investigations.


Opening Date:  September 1, 2016

Closing Date:   September 19, 2016

Application for Employment:

Application for Federal Employment: AID-302-3

Issuing Country 
Wednesday, August 31, 2016 - 8:00am