USAID Mekong ARCC Climate Change Socio-Economics Sector Vulnerability Report

This socio-economics sector vulnerability assessment report complements the other sectoral reports in the USAID Mekong ARCC Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Study by assessing the vulnerability to climate change of two critical sectors of household livelihood systems: health and rural infrastructure. Human health is critical to livelihoods because it is the foundation of productivity in all activities. Inadequate health access limits the capacity of individuals to farm, fish, gather non-timber forest products, or attend to livestock. In the meantime, damage or lack of access to infrastructure (e.g. physical infrastructure that enables rural households and communities to pursue and benefit from livelihood activities) has long-term impacts on poverty and food security.The major outputs of the report are: (1) a detailed assessment of vulnerability to climate change threats in highly exposed provinces, including a scaling up to general findings concerning zones of the basin sharing similar social and environmental characteristics; and (2) the identification of adaptation priorities for these "hotspot provinces" and the broader "livelihood zones."


Tuesday, June 3, 2014 - 5:30am