USAID Launches Anti-Trafficking Application in Albania

Prime Minister Edit Rama delivers remarks
Ambassador Arvizu and UN Representative listen to Prime Minister Edi Rama discuss the Government's efforts to combat trafficking.
Robert Manga, U.S. Embassy Tirana

For Immediate Release

Monday, June 16, 2014
Stephanie A. Pepi, USAID/Albania

TIRANA, ALBANIA--Today, Ambassador Alexander Arvizu, Prime Minister Edi Rama, Minister of Interior Saimir Tahiri, and the National Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, Deputy Minister Elona Gjebrea, supported the launch of "RAPORTO! SHPETO!" ("Report! Save!"), a USAID-supported anti-trafficking in persons smartphone application that is connected to Government of Albania's New National Hotline, "116006."  The Hotline "116006" is available for everyone to call in, free of charge, and report identified or suspected cases of trafficking.

The mobile app allows users of Android smartphones (the iOS application is in development) to directly call or SMS 116006, help users locate the nearest social service center, and even provides educational material about human trafficking.  The application is the first of its kind in the region. 

In his remarks, Ambassador Arvizu encouraged greater cooperation among investigators, prosecutors, and the judiciary to increase the number of meaningful prosecutions and convictions of trafficking offenders. 

Over the last three years, the United States has invested over one million dollars in Albania's efforts to address and stop trafficking in persons.  PM Rama said at the event that his government is working intensively to move off the State Department's Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report "Watch List."