Peers from South-East Europe Support Albania in Improving Local Finance Legislation

Attendees at USAID's workshop on Local Finance Legislation in Albania
USAID is supporting Albania policymakers who will be developing a new law on local finances.
U.S. Embassy Tirana

For Immediate Release

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

How to construct a law on local finance that will ensure adequate resources for competent and efficient local government? This was the theme of the regional workshop "Best practices in Local Government Finance Legislation: the South-East Europe experience and the challenges facing Albania," held by USAID’s Planning and Local Governance Project (PLGP) and the Network of Associations of Local Authorities in South-East Europe (NALAS) on 9 and 10 February 2016 in in Tirana, Albania.

The event brought together nearly 70 representatives from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Local Issues, mayors, LGUs, local government associations, academic institutions and international donors, as well as the Offices of the Albanian Prime Minister and President. The workshop focused on promoting a regional dialogue on the intergovernmental financing mechanisms and laws needed to successfully reinforce fiscal decentralization. Opening remarks included speeches by the representatives of the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Local Issues and the USAID/Albania Country Representative, Marcus Jonson.

Experts from the SEE region shared their countries’ experiences in the process of decentralization and delegation of public functions, with particular attention to local government finance legislation. The workshop discussed common problems, the advantages and disadvantages of different legislative approaches, intergovernmental communications, and other key policy issues and lessons learned from different parts of the SEE region. The workshop generated strategic options and recommendations to help ensure the financial sustainability of local governments in Albania.

For more information, please contact:
Ms. Jelena Janevska, NALAS Knowledge and Communications Manager,, ++389 70 280 582,


About NALAS: The Network of Associations of Local Authorities in South-East Europe (NALAS) was founded in 2001 in response to the challenges of local self-governance in the SEE region. NALAS promotes regional cooperation among 15 local government associations from the countries in the region, including the Albanian Association of Municipalities.  Through networking, sharing of best practices, and specific training activities, NALAS helps the LGAs develop their competencies, resources, and institutional capacities to effectively advance decentralization and promote municipal development in their home countries. NALAS also helps LGAs with advocacy and lobbying. For more information:

About PLGP: Since 2012, USAID’s Planning and Local Governance Project (PLGP), has been helping the Government of Albania establish a system of local governance that meets international standards and practices, positions the country for EU membership, and helps assure a sustainable future for the individual municipalities and for the nation as a whole.  The PLGP assists in building capacities to improve local governance, deliver local services efficiently, plan and manage sustainable urban and regional growth, and support effective administrative and financial decentralization. For more information: