(126k) ADS Reference 200mab
Promoting Nondiscrimination and Inclusive Development in USAID-Funded Programs
A Mandatory Reference for ADS Chapter 200
New Edition Date: 09/07/2016
Responsible Office: PPL
File Name: 200mab_090716
USAID seeks to improve the lives of all citizens around the world by becoming more inclusive in our development efforts and by ensuring that all persons have access to and reap the benefits of our programming. In so doing, USAID recognizes that every person is instrumental in the transformation of their own societies, with the end result that each and every citizen is recognized and equally valued. The inclusion, protection, and empowerment of all persons is critical because drawing on the full contributions of the entire population leads to more effective, comprehensive, and sustainable development results. Everyone who works with USAID – staff and implementing partners alike -- is expected to uphold principles of inclusion and equitable access to USAID-funded programming. As such, USAID programs as documented in CDCSs, projects and activities should work to remove discriminatory barriers to access in order to ensure that a person’s identity does not inhibit their ability to engage in USAID-funded programs.
Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement.