CIB 01-16 Archived - January 2017

CIB 01-16 Archived -  January 2017: Clarification on Acquisition & Assistance (A&A) Automation Systems

CIB 01-16 "Clarification on Acquisition and Assistance Automation Systems" is archived. The systems referenced are obsolete and have been superseded by GLAAS, ePICS, FPDS-NG and CPARS/PPIRS. For additional information about these systems, as well as information on DUNS, NAICS, and PSC codes, utilize the Vendor Information Search Utility (VISU) at

Subject Category:  Miscellaneous

This CIB clarifies the policy regarding procurement automation and the use of official automated systems. When preparing or reporting on official A&A actions, all contracting activities shall use only the automated systems on the following list to electronically prepare and transact Agency procurements.

The reasons for mandatory use of these systems are STANDARDIZATION and CONSISTENCY in document preparation, execution and reporting. The systems together will provide us the capability to electronically report federal procurement data in a format consistent with federal standards, as well as comply with federal requirements for information dissemination of proposed contract actions and awards. If these automated systems are not used, then Agency procurement data cannot be accurately collected and reported.

Monday, March 20, 2017 - 8:45am