RDAP Training Portfolio - Forest Fire Prevention and Control

The forestry area contributes to improving the plans and programs of institutions responsible for protecting the environment as well as forest fire prevention and control.


Purpose: To provide participants with the knowledge and skills to assist them in improving the prevention and control of forest fires in order to protect human life and natural resources. The duration of this course is 5 days and a half of intensive work. Course contents include the following materials:

  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Forest Fire Concepts
  3. National Forest Fire Issues
  4. Causes, Evidence, and Investigation of Forest Fires
  5. Fire Behavior, Part 1
  6. Fire Behavior, Part 2
  7. Fire Behavior, Part 3
  8. Forest Fire Detection
  9. Safety
  10. Tools
  11. Fire Control Methods
  12. Establishing a Control Line
  13. Extinction and Demobilization
  14. Programming Techniques
  15. Organization for Forest Fire Control
  16. Direction and Coordination

This course is offered in the following language:

  1. Spanish (Spanish FFPC Reference Materials - 772kb PDF)

Purpose: To improve participants’ capacities, abilities, and skills to prevent, mitigate, detect, and control forest fires, and to carry out these tasks safely. Also called Brigade Firefighter Course in some countries. The duration of this course is 3 days of intensive work. Course contents include the following materials:

  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Concepts and Forest Fire Issues
  3. Fire and Fire Behavior in Forest Fires
  4. Forest Firefighter Function and Organization
  5. Risks and Potential Dangers of Forest Fires
  6. Personal Safety
  7. Tools and Equipment
  8. Orientation in the Field
  9. Line of Control Establishment and Line of Defense Construction
  10. Controlled Burning
  11. How to Control a Forest Fire?
  12. Extinction and Demobilization

This course is offered in the following language:

  1. Spanish

Purpose: To provide participants with knowledge and skills required to perform as an operator of pumps and accessories utilized to extinguish forest fires through the effective use of water. The duration of this course is 3 days of intensive work. Course contents include the following materials:

  1. Introduction
  2. Effective Use of Water General Concepts
  3. Physical Aspects Involved in the Effective Use of Water
  4. Strategies and Basic Safety Standards in the Use of a Water System
  5. Pump Accessories
  6. Water Pumps
  7. Components of a Water System
  8. Final Exercise

This course is offered in the following language:

  1. Spanish (Spanish EUWEFFC Reference Materials – 640 kb PDFSpanish EUWEFFC Pre-Work – 454 kb PDF)
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