
The President’s Malaria Initiative

The U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) works in 24 focus countries in sub-Saharan Africa and 3 programs in the Greater Mekong Subregion in Asia. Click on the highlighted countries below to see statistics on malaria in PMI focus countries.


    USAID-supported Countries


    PMI Focus Countries

View PMI Focus Countries List »

Name % ITN Ownership % Mortality Reduction % IPTp2 Uptake
Angola 31 42 37
Benin 77 8 38
Burkina Faso 90 - 48
Cambodia 90 - N/A
Cameroon 71 - 53
Côte d'Ivoire 76 - 18
DR Congo 70 34 14
Ethiopia 59 46 N/A
Ghana 73 46 78
Guinea 47 - 22
Kenya 63 55 35
Liberia 55 18 48
Madagascar 92 23 26
Malawi 57 48 63
Mali 93 49 38
Mozambique 66 37 34
Myanmar 27 - N/A
Niger 61 - 35
Nigeria 69 18 37
Rwanda 81 67 N/A
Senegal 77 51 49
Sierra Leone 60 - 71
Tanzania 66 40 35
Thailand 51 - N/A
Uganda 78 53 45
Vietnam 10 - N/A
Zambia 68 55 73
Zimbabwe 48 18 35




USAID-supported Programs

In addition to PMI program support, USAID provides targeted support to malaria control efforts in one country in Africa (Burundi) and supports malaria control and elimination in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Click on the links below to view annual Malaria Operational Plans for Burundi:

Visit the PMI website to view Malaria Operational Plans for PMI focus countries.

PMI provides targeted financial support to World Health Organization (WHO) headquarters in Geneva as well as to WHO regional offices in Africa, South East Asia, and the Americas. PMI and the USAID Africa Bureau provide support to increase the technical and human resource capacity of the WHO Africa Regional Office (WHO/AFRO) to address malaria and other health issues with African Ministries of Health through assistance on setting norms, adopting internationally approved policies and practices, and improving monitoring and evaluation of national programs.

Latin America and the Caribbean

Central America, with only 11,955 reported cases in 2015, may now be closer to reaching malaria elimination than any other subregion in the world, and several South American countries are also approaching elimination. USAID provides technical assistance to Latin America and the Caribbean countries through key partners including the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in order to accelerate progress toward elimination. The focus of this assistance is to support countries in tailoring their approaches for malaria diagnosis, treatment, vector control, and surveillance to their specific epidemiology.