Transforming Lives

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

Arghandab, in war-torn southern Afghanistan, has a humble rural economy and fierce local pride.  However, youth unemployment threatens local stability.  Most young men are out of work and feel pressured to earn money any way they can, making them vulnerable to recruitment by illegal militia groups.

Attaulhaq is the advisor to the Secretariat of the Inter-Ministerial Commission for Energy, known as ICE.  Funded by USAID’s Afghanistan Infrastructure and Rehabilitation Program, ICE coordinates donor support for energy infrastructure development as well as energy policy and best practices that maximize the country’s energy resources.  ICE also supports the commercialization of energy so that Afghanistan can pay for the energy that it needs.

Mrs. Parigul has a great deal in common with the women in her community – she also lost members of her family, including her husband, in the civil war and now supports her children on her own.  With one practical idea, she saw an opportunity to change the dire situation faced by women like her.

The Khair Kot Castle (KKC) District is a population center in Paktika Province that struggles to maintain stability against the threat of anti-government violence.  A major hindrance is the ongoing disconnect between the government and the population.  Communities are often unwilling to work with or engage the government because of its historically weak presence in the district.  Nevertheless, KCC District Governor Adbul Mateen is reestablishing the government’s presence in remote areas by rehabilitating infrastructure and supporting agricultural initiatives with financial support from USAID.

Salam Jan offered produce like apples and saffron from his native Paktya Province to the world for the first time at the Kabul International AgFair 2010.  Now, Salam Jan is taking orders from buyers in Pakistan and is confident that he can command more business because of the USAID-supported AgFair.

Located on the border of one of Afghanistan’s most insecure areas, Bakwa District in Farah Province has seen little development aid.  Coalition Forces and USAID have identified Bakwa as an area in need of stability initiatives because insurgents are using it as a safe area.  In response to this need, USAID’s Local Governance and Community Development (LGCD) project worked with the local community to implement a small-scale community roads project.  This has connected Bakwa residents with government-delivered services, demonstrating the government’s ability to respond to their needs.

Wafa Rahimi is a professor at Kabul University. Recently, he took on a second job volunteering part-time in his home district at a new community center in Surkh Rod, Nangarhar Province. 

Children across Afghanistan desire an education.  However, they must overcome many challenges to succeed, as issues such as security, distance, poverty, and poor health undermine their ability to develop and thrive at school.

For decades, Afghanistan has relied on imports from its neighbors to meet its requirements for wheat and other commodities.  However, with reduced wheat harvests in Russia and Pakistan and food prices rising around the world, the key to Afghanistan’s food security for the future is self-reliance.


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