Regional Water Management Forum (RWMF)

  • Duration: 
    Sept 2014 – Sept 2020
  • Value: $11 million


The United States Agency for International Development Regional Water Management Forum improves regional transboundary water management and promotes sustainable management practices. The Forum encourages dialogue on water issues outside of high-level inter-government channels, particularly among academia and community-level water management structures. The Forum also improves the water management skills and techniques of community technicians, scientists, policymakers, civil society, and local end-users. Information-based management of current and future water resources is a focus.

The Forum includes two activities. The Partnership for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) activity establishes a university-led forum to promote improved sustainable management of shared water resources in Central Asia. The university-led forum supports regional seminars, workshops, and research on transboundary water in Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

Smart Waters, the second activity is building a cadre of water managers in Central Asia and Afghanistan to share best practices and manage water resources to obtain the best economic value from water resources over the long term. It also improves water management at the community level by working in small river basins and sub-basins shared between Afghanistan and neighboring countries. Smart Waters improves cross-border collaboration and a shared understanding of sustainable resource management practices.


  • Award up to 22 grants to researchers in six countries — In 2016, 18 grants were awarded.
  • Hold bi-annual regional forums for climate change, water security, and transboundary experts and grant recipients. Topics will include cross-border water management and climate change impacts and adaptation in the Central Asia Region
  • Create an electronic platform to link regional scientists, engineers and managers studying regional water resources with those in the U.S., identifying common approaches to addressing climate change impacts in Central Asia
  • Help small river basin councils to develop watershed management plans
  • Award small grants to local water user associations to strengthen the governance and operations of these organizations, increasing their ability to sustainably manage water
  • Fund up to eight interdisciplinary integrated water resource management Master of Science programs at a Central Asian university
  • Provide short-term regional leadership training opportunities related to water governance


  • Increased dialogue among countries in the region on regional water resources
  • Strengthened capacity among governmental senior staff and decision makers regarding water rights and obligations under international law and international treaties
  • Better information and knowledge of water resources among citizens, researchers, policymakers, and decision makers and better understanding of regional water needs.