Fact Sheets

USAID Liberia Strategic Analysis (LSA) Activity provides the Mission with analytical and advisory services in support of strategic planning, project and activity design, performance monitoring and evaluation, and learning and adapting to contextual changes and implementation challenges.

USAID seeks to build Afghan capacity to conduct annual national-level public opinion research and disseminate results through “The Survey of the Afghan People” program, which is implemented by The Asia Foundation. The program supports survey research and drives substantive policy discourse on issues such as security, governance, rule of law, freedom of speech, economic growth, disability issues, migration and other important topics. The program works to improve the ability of Afghan researchers and government officials to conduct data analysis and encourages data-driven policy making. The first survey was conducted in 2004. The polling data has been a respected source of information about public attitudes, which is used by policy makers, civil society organizations, donors, and journalists to gain a better perspective of Afghan views on current social, economic, and political issues.

The Afghanistan Food Fortification Project seeks to establish a sustainable fortification program that controls and prevents micronutrient deficiencies, which in turn strengthens immune capacity, helps prevent illnesses, improves recovery and disease outcomes, reduces negative birth outcomes for women and birth defects, and improves child survival. This project addresses micronutrient inadequacies (i.e., insufficient intake) and improves health outcomes through food fortification, such as essential vitamins and minerals in wheat flour, edible oils and salt.

Mongolia has experienced unprecedented growth over the last decade due to a robust mining sector, which is dominated by large firms. The country enjoyed over 17 percent Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth in 2011 and around 12 percent in 2012 and 2013. However, these gains have slowed to a GDP growth of only 2.4 percent in 2015 and negative growth predicted in 2016.

Since its peaceful transition to democracy more than 25 years ago, Mongolia has established a political system that now represents a broad range of views and interests. Despite these promising reforms, the country struggles with a weakening system of checks and balances, blurring between business and political power, and inconsistent implementation of the law and government functions. In recent years, young people have become increasingly marginalized.

USAID supported the national voter registration and 2009 Afghan presidential and provincial council elections process through the United Nations Development Program’s (UNDP) Enhancing Legal and Electoral Capacity for Tomorrow (ELECT I) project. The ELECT II project builds on the achievements of ELECT I by strengthening the ability of the Afghan Government to conduct credible and transparent elections. During the current inter-election period, ELECT II will build the institutional strength and capacity of Afghanistan’s Independent Election Commission (IEC). With support from ELECT II, the IEC will be able to plan and conduct credible future elections that will be accepted by the broad population in Afghanistan, as well as the international community.

Support the Government of Macedonia's efforts to increase investment in energy generation from renewable sources, and reduce Macedonia’s total final energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.   

In 2008, Liberia was selected as one of the 19 focus countries benefiting from the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), which is led by USAID and implemented together with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  PMI was launched in 2005 as a 5-year, $1.2 billion initiative to rapidly scale up malaria prevention and treatment and reduce malarai-ralated mortality by 50 percent in 15 high-burden countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.  

The USAID Partnership for Advancing Community Based Services( PACS) Activity is designed to provide technical and operational support to the Government of Liberia’s Ministries of Health (MOH), Public Works (MPW), and Gender, Child and Social Protection, as well as civil society organizations (CSOs), to deliver high quality community health and social welfare services.

The USAID Collaborative Support for Health (CSH) Program supports the Government of Liberia’s objectives of strengthening management and governance of the health system to consistently and effectively deliver quality health and social welfare services. CSH supports the Ministry of Health (MOH) by providing embedded technical support at the national level and to County Health Teams in USAID priority counties of Bong, Lofa, and Nimba. CSH focuses on priority areas aligned with the Government of Liberia’s 10-year National Health and Social Welfare Policy and Plan, as well as the Investment Plan for Building a Resilient Health System in Liberia from 2015-2021.
