Transforming Lives

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

As Afghanistan’s justice system matures, it offers citizens numerous options for legal recourse when their rights are violated.  However, many people, especially women, do not know their legal rights or how to use the formal justice system.  Additionally, many do not know where to turn when they face legal problems that could be effectively solved through the courts or community mediation.

A lack of legal reference materials has hampered the development of rule of law in Afghanistan.  As legal terminology and practice evolved over the past few decades, Afghanistan’s lawyers and judges found themselves without proper dictionaries and legal texts in their own languages

Afghanistan’s Constitution clearly states that men and women are equal in the eyes of the law.  However, violations of women’s rights are widespread, and many Afghan women do not know how to use the formal justice system to protect their rights.  To provide women – as well as men and children – with a better understanding of gender equality, women’s rights, and the legal system, USAID launched a public awareness campaign in Nangarhar and Baghlan provinces in spring 2009.

Afghanistan’s farmers frequently lack access to the agricultural supplies and equipment they need to grow bountiful crops and raise healthy livestock.  To provide these goods at an affordable price, USAID established a network of privately owned AgDepot rural farm stores that operate under the Durukshan Association through local Afghan entrepreneurs.

Good governance is possible when citizens and elected officials have the opportunity to discuss local needs and government services on a regular basis.  In a country like Afghanistan, poor roads, insufficient communications infrastructure, and security concerns hinder both direct and indirect exchanges.  Bridging this gap in communications is essential to providing security and public services, as well as building trust between the government and its constituents.

Tolo TV’s Dream and Achieve (Fikr wa Talash) has awakened Afghanistan’s entrepreneurial spirit.  In a country where new business development is essential for continued economic growth, this popular television show is helping entrepreneurs improve their businesses while educating viewers about the importance of the private sector.

Until recently, it was not possible to earn a business degree in Afghanistan.  However, the country’s economic development is dependent upon well-educated young people to open new businesses and manage existing firms.  Business and entrepreneurship education programs are in high demand, and USAID is taking note. 

Young men who lack an education or trade skills are left with few opportunities in Afghanistan.  Manual day labor jobs are often the only legal employment options available, but the work is sporadic and the pay is not sufficient to support a family.  To provide these at-risk young men with practical job training and steady, well-paid employment, USAID launched an apprenticeship program in Jalalabad, Nangarhar Province.

To fuel development efforts, USAID has launched a number of initiatives to increase energy output, such as rebuilding dams and power plants and importing electricity from neighboring countries.  Afghanistan also possesses another prospective power source – the Shibirghan gas fields.
