Life is good on the East coast of Madagascar, but a bite from a tiny mosquito can change all that.In 2014, PMI extended its reach in malaria protection through its Africa Indoor Residual Spraying project, spraying in the district of Brickaville for the first time.
Saving lives from malaria in Madagascar
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Spraying in the district of Brickaville for the first time
The President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) began supporting indoor residual spraying (IRS) to prevent malaria in Madagascar in 2008.
Here is one community’s story on the impact IRS is having on their lives.
Brickaville, Madagascar
Brickaville is in a humid and rainy region.
We have very fertile lands.
Here we have corns and bananas.
These cassava leaves are also delicious.
The fish can weigh more than ten pounds.
They can also this long!
Since there is no industry,
we have to work with our own strength.
so, we live off agriculture.
we work hard.
Life is good on the East coast of Madagascar, but a bite from a tiny mosquito can change all that.
Standing water encourages mosquitoes and malaria.
There are a lot of mosquitoes, especially in this part of the village.
I was careful and despite using the mosquito net,
I caught malaria.
My neck was stiff.
I lost weight.
I slept all the time.
I felt cold and feverish.
I had horrible headaches.
I could not even speak properly.
At school, many students missed class.
We cannot work when ill.
You are helpless,
unable to work.
In 2014, PMI extended its reach in malaria protection through its Africa Indoor Residual Spraying project, spraying in the district of Brickaville for the first time.
We are delighted that our region has been chosen to receive indoor residual spraying.
From what I heard of the other beneficiary regions,
The rate of malaria has declined significantly.
Everyone took responsibility:
The head of districts, the mayor,
The general population and community workers;
Everyone did their part of the work.
First, community workers came to my house
And explained indoor residual spraying.
They described what to do before, during and after spraying.
During the campaign, the neighbors helped each other.
We emptied and cleaned houses together
Homes are emptied to prepare for spraying
The community greatly supported the spray campaign
After this indoor residual spraying campaign,
There was a decrease in malaria.
I am extremely satisfied.
When I sweep the floor,
Mosquitoes lay on the ground, all dead.
Fortunately, there was indoor residual spraying
Malaria has decreased, and the kids are able to study.
Our children are healthy,
Adults can work,
We are in good health physically and morally.
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