Baseline Study of Food for Peace Title II Development Food Assistance Programs

About the Data

In fiscal year 2012, USAID’s Office of Food for Peace (FFP) awarded funding to private voluntary organizations (PVOs) to design and implement multi-year Title II development food assistance programs in Uganda, Guatemala, and Niger. The main purpose of these Title II programs is to improve long-term food security of chronically food insecure population in the target regions. FFP contracted a firm, ICF International to conduct a baseline study in targeted areas of the three countries prior to the start of the new Title II programs. The purpose of the baseline study was to assess the current status of key indicators, have a better understanding of prevailing conditions and perceptions of the programs’ populations in the implementation areas, and serve as a point of comparison for future final evaluations. Results would also be used to further refine program targeting and, where possible, to understand the relationship between variables to inform program design. The baseline study is designed as the first step in a two-part evaluation, with the final evaluation as the second step. The baseline studies were conducted in 2013, while FFP expects to conduct final evaluations as close as possible to the end of the program five years later.
The specific objectives of the baseline study were: 
  • Establish baseline values of key impact and outcome indicators prior to implementation of the Title II programs and set targets;
  • Assist the PVOs in establishing target levels for improvements in these indicators over the five-year Title II program cycle;
  • Inform PVOs about the current food security situation so they can refine their program design and implementation strategies and improve efficiency by targeting the areas and subgroups that will benefit most; and
  • Provide FFP baseline indicator values that can be compared across countries through meta-analyses of indicator results.  The baseline study consisted of two components: a representative population-based household survey focused on the collection of data for required impact and outcome indicators, and a qualitative component to add depth, richness, and context and serve to triangulate information from survey findings and analysis.


Guatemala Baseline Survey

Niger Baseline Survey

Uganda Baseline Survey